M24 Chaffee Tank

Named for General Adna Chaffee, the M24 Chaffee tank was introduced at the end of WWII. It was used in the Northern Italy Campaign and replaced in the 1950’s by the M41. The M24 saw its first combat action in the Battle of the Bulge and scored several victories over enemy armor. It was later used in the Korean War. Armed with a 75mm main gun, .50 caliber MG, and .30mm MG, the M24 holds a significant place in the evolution of armored warfare.

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Named after General Adna Chaffee, the M24 Tank saw its first action in WWII before being replaced in the 1950’s.

Interactive map of the Battle of the Bulge

M24 in action, note the issues discussed by the narrator of identifying the M24, how would you address that with your Soldiers? How do you address vehicle identification in the contemporary operating environment?.

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